Is Your Website Losing Sales?
ost websites will display correctly on a PC browser. Try the same website on a mobile phone or tablet and there is a 98% chance that you will not be able to read the pages clearly or the navigation buttons will be too small.
What does this mean to the website owner? – lost sales!
Yes – a jaw dropping 98% of websites display incorrectly on mobile devices. Add poor website design, boring content and an ineffective Call To Action and you will understand why most websites are just expensive business cards.
Open this website on a mobile device to see how it displays. Now open your website on the same device. Are you losing sales? Contact us today. CyberNexus can fix this problem. Fast!
CyberNexus produce industry leading low cost, mobile friendly web designs. Our prices are so affordable that start-up, sole traders, micro and small businesses are our best customers.
See how much sales you could be losing by viewing this Info Graphic or the Pew Mobile Project Report.

Most websites will shrink to fit into the screen of a mobile device. Unfortunately in most cases the content is unreadable. A fully responsive website is built to automatically switch into mobile device mode. Displaying a mobile friendly version of your website. We can make this change for you quickly and cost effectively. Just message us.